Keep Fit and Self Defence

Keep Fit and Martial Art styles from around the world.


Keep Fit

August 1 — December 1

kick boxing in brough

Kick Boxing

October 1 — December 1

kids keep fit in brough

Kids and Family Classes

August 1 — December 1

kick boxing in hull

Elite Student Classes

October 1 — December 1

kung fu in hull

“Our Martial Arts classes cover many types and styles from Family classes to Street fighting, Weapon and Open hand styles.”

With 3 locations at the moment and hoping to open another location before the end of the year, we are becoming a team of Family orientated Keep Fit and Martial Arts locations for Yorkshire.

We are hoping you pop along and try out our exciting styles and classes. The first one is free and if you like us then pop along to as many classes each week as you need. We are flexible and our members are always helping the new visitors. A really friendly bunch with one thing in common, we all want to be fitter, healthier, more confident and above all be able to walk with our head held high with the confidence of the person we are today, much stronger than the person we were yesterday.

Come have a try for free!

Members get access to exclusive access to our mailing list and exclusive shop for their Martial Arts and Keep Fit equipment.
