Keep Fit Classes

What are the benefits of keeping fit?

Getting regular exercise makes your whole system work better, from your cardio-vascular machinery to your digestion to every joint and vein in your body. It builds up your strength and pumps blood around your body, improving the flow of nutrients in and waste products out. It improves your posture and stamina and is often more effective than dieting at helping you to lose weight.

But regular exercise brings much more than physical benefits. After only a couple of sessions, the effect on your energy levels is remarkable. With regular exercise, getting out of bed in the morning seems a much easier proposition. You’ll concentrate better, feel more alert, and be much calmer when dealing with problems.

This effect on stress is one of the most remarkable and rewarding results of regular exercise. Whether it’s to do with the release of endorphins during exercise or just because you’re standing up straight and strong, the certain fact is that you become far less prone to stress. Getting exercise helps you put things in perspective, helping you reduce seemingly unmanageable problems at work to entirely solvable challenges.

Tough problems often seem to work themselves out while you’re exercising – it can be a surprisingly useful tool for creative thinking and problem-solving. The other benefit of exercise, once you get over the initial shock of the first few workouts, is that it’s enjoyable. When you have been in our excersize class you’re strengthening your body, freeing up your mind, reclaiming an important part of your life and having fun too.